PLY Magazine, Issue 21: Flyer-Led
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Summer 2018: Flyer-Led
Flyer-led or Scotch tension, whatever you choose to call it, this issue is all about that wonderful, versatile, infinitely adjustable spinning wheel! If you have one, want one, or just love spinning, this issue has tons to teach! Have you ever wondered how to set up or adjust your wheel for the exact yarn you want regardless of grist or twist amount? This issue will help! Does your brake band or drive band material matter and if so, what's the best? Are flyer-led wheels good for some fibers and not others? We've tested it and we'll share what we've found. This issue may choose flyer-led wheels as a jumping off point but it's all about spinning and no matter what type of tool you use, this issue is full of brilliant spinners sharing smart and useful spinning knowledge. Learn the basics of the flyer-led system and then delve deeper into ergonomics, single treadle or double, different fibers, different diameters, and some great spinning experiments. There are wonderful summer projects and 2 new features: Sheep on the Edge and Person of Interest, both are worth your time! Enjoy this fantastic read and then get spinning!