
About PortFiber

PortFiber is a fiberarts supply shop located in the East Bayside neighborhood of Portland, Maine.  It's aim is to support and inspire the fiber arts community with quality supplies and amazing classes taught by local instructors.  Whether you felt, knit, crochet, spin, weave, or dye, you'll find something you love here!  Fiber arts is in our collective history. It's a connection to our past, to our ancestors, to the earth and it's fiber producing plants and animals.  Let's embrace those connections and make new ones with those who share the love of fiber.

About Casey

Casey grew up in Veazie, Maine and graduated from the University of Maine at Farmington with a degree in Elementary Education.  She started interning at the Portland Fiber Gallery & Weaving Studio in the summer of 2009, learning how to dye and eventually spin, felt, and weave.  Creating has always been a part of their life.

When they are not in the shop or doing fibery things, they enjoy dancing around the house, drinking coffee, biking and walking around town, and reading sci-fi & fantasy.

If you want the longform version of Casey's story, check out this podcast interview with Ashley Yousling of the Woolful Podcast.

You can also hear from them on

- the Make Good podcast with Karen and Jessica of Scratch Supply Co.

- the Snort & Cackle podcast with Ash Alberg of Sunflower Knit

- the Fiber Trek podcast with Sarah Hunt

- and a secret sesh with Bean of the Great Moments in Weed History podcast



About Ken

Ken is originally from New Jersey but has lived all around the country, never quite finding the right place until they came to Maine in 2021. He is a lifelong artist and loves painting, printing, sketching and any and all fiber-related activities! 

They have a studio at Running With Scissors and have just started selling prints, hand-dyed yarn and shibori-dyed vintage linens under their brand Let’s Be Fennel. And to make sure they spend all their time in East Bayside they also work at Tandem Coffee Roasters slinging delicious drinks and pastries! 

When he can find the time he loves going to the beach, listening to sad music, watching Bob’s Burgers, and knitting in bed with his cats, Moose and Goose.