Inventive Weaving on a Little Loom
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Rigid-heddle weaving is simple to learn, is easy to master, and offers a lifetime of possibilities to discover! Inventive Weaving on a Little Loom covers everything rigid-heddle weavers need to know about the craft, from the basics -- how to select a loom, set it up, and get started -- to a wide variety of fun techniques that yield beautiful results. Begin by exploring a variety of weave structures, including finger-manipulated laces, tapestry, and color play with stripes, plaids, and multicolor yarns. Then move on to more complex designs and irresistible projects, from pillows and curtains to bags, shawls, and even jewelry. Explore warp-face patterning, weft-pile weaving, weaving with fine threads, woven shibori, shadow weave, and the textural effects you can create with different yarns and with wire and conductive thread. Everything you need to know is here, with fully illustrated step-by-step instructions to ensure success.\
Paperback, 296 pages.
Published November 3, 2015.
Review Quotes:
"Knitters, beware: Syne's book will make you a weaver. "
-- Cat Bordhi, author Versatildes
"Inspiring, fresh ideas with excellent step-by-step photos."
-- Betty Linn Davenport, author Textures and Patterns for the Rigid Heddle Loom
"I've been wanting this book and I didn't even know it! It makes me want to drop everything and weave -- NOW."
-- Sarah Anderson, author The Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs
"Concrete information that all levels of weavers need to know now or in their future weaving lives."
-- Peggy Osterkamp, author Weaving for Beginners
"An inspiring and comprehensive resource that holds the hands of beginners and challenges advanced rigid-heddle weavers with a broad range of techniques."
-- Jane Patrick, creative director Schacht Spindle Company; author The Weaver's Idea Book