4.20.23 Potholders for Pot Holders

Regular price $0.00 Sale

Thursday, April 20th - 7:00pm to 9:00pm EST

Celebrate the highest of holidaze with some music and simple weaving FOR FREE!  

Microphones are muted, music will be playing, and we'll all weave to our hearts content.  If you'd like to join with a different craft, you are most welcome!  Also, cannabis is not required.

Remember these potholder looms?  Maybe you have vague memories of stretching cotton loops along a metal frame and weaving them over, under, over, under?  Well, I went all-in and I'm now stocking the Harrisville 7" Potholder loom PLUS a bunch of different colored loops.  Go snag you a kit and maybe some extra loops and let's get weaving!

My roomie Enzo and I have done some product testing for this very event and let me tell you!  It ticks all the boxes.  Colors!  Textures!  Various stages to keep you entertained.  And in the end, you'll have a functional potholder!  I mean, c'mon!  What better way to ring in this highest of holidaze?!

Link to the Zoom room.

Zoom ID: 325-652-3355

Passcode: 42069